MedGuard - Critical Illness Coverage Plans
“医疗保障计划”为受保人提供一笔总付的福利,以帮助他们在未来发生重大健康事故时,抵销任何自付的医疗费用或其他家庭开支. Additionally, 即使未发生所涵盖的严重健康事件, 在被保险人死亡后,本计划的100%赔偿金将支付给指定受益人. 这种独特而有价值的MedGuard保险是通过将该计划的5年可续期定期人寿保险支付给指定受益人,并将该计划的人寿保险的规定百分比一次性支付给被保险人的重大疾病来实现的, injuries and surgeries. 终身福利被一次性支付的福利金额所减少.
Quality coverage for periods of critical illness.
Although nobody likes to think about it, 被诊断为危重疾病的可能性是真实存在的. 每天都有成千上万的美国人遭受癌症等威胁生命的疾病的折磨, heart attack, or stroke.
You or a family member may one day be diagnosed with a critical illness; however, 你现在比以往任何时候都有更大的机会活下来. Advances in healthcare have increased survival rates tremendously; but recovery times may be extensive. 医疗和非医疗费用都是相当可观的. 你和你的家人准备好承担这笔费用了吗?
MedGuard重大疾病保险可以帮助填补健康保险和人寿保险之间的空白. 健康保险提供医疗保险,但不包括非医疗费用的保险. Life insurance pays benefits, but after death. What if You survive a critical illness? 在康复期间,你从哪里找到资金来支付非医疗费用?
如果您被诊断患有承保的疾病或接受了承保的重大手术, 在诊断后,MedGuard将以一次性现金支付部分死亡赔偿金给您.1
Critical Illness Condition/Surgery | Benefit |
Life Threatening Cancer | 100% of the Death Benefit |
Heart Attack | 100% of the Death Benefit |
Stroke | 100% of the Death Benefit |
Kidney Failure | 100% of the Death Benefit |
Major Organ Transplant | 100% of the Death Benefit |
Permanent Paralysis | 100% of the Death Benefit |
Terminal Illness | 100% of the Death Benefit |
Aorta Graft Surgery | 25% of the Death Benefit |
Heart Valve Surgery | 25% of the Death Benefit |
Coronary Angioplasty | 10% of the Death Benefit |
COVID-19感染并发症导致患者住院 | 10% of the Death Benefit |
Death Benefit - Primary Insured/Spouse | Based on selected monthly premium |
Death Benefit - Dependent Child | Limited up to $15,不超过主被保险人保险金额的50%或超过配偶保险金额 |
任何危及生命的癌症的第1至第90天死亡津贴金额 | $500 |
第1天至第30天死亡抚恤金金额(不包括危及生命的癌症) | $500 |
Should You Buy MedGuard?
If You have financial obligations, such as a mortgage, 或者如果你有积蓄,你不想把钱花在康复上, MedGuard critical illness insurance may be for You. 如果您是负责抚养孩子的家长,您应该考虑MedGuard. 如果你生病了,需要很长时间才能恢复,并且失去了收入, MedGuard可以为您提供另一种货币选择. 你收到的福利金额可以帮助你专注于完全康复,而不是担心你从哪里找到钱来支付你的账单.
- Protect Your assets from being spent on recovery
- Replace lost income for You & Your care‑providing spouse
- Pay Your mortgage or other obligations
- 抵消不包括在健康保险范围内的自费或医疗费用
- Pay for experimental treatment
- Pay COBRA or other insurance premiums
- Pay home healthcare expenses
- 如果您需要返回学校,请支付学费
- Reduce Your debt
- Maintain Your Family’s lifestyle
- Pay Your taxes
- 支付您和您的家人在接受护理期间的旅行和临时住房费用
- Renovate Your home or relocate
- Pay for childcare
- 资助或保护你孩子的大学学费
- Maintain Your business during recovery
1 主被保险人和主被保险人配偶的死亡抚恤金将在主被保险人和主被保险人配偶各自65岁生日时减少50%. 津贴减去先前支付的重大疾病津贴的数额.
MedGuard is not available in all states. Benefit amounts and availability may vary by state. 欲了解更多信息,请与授权代理联系. 限制、等待期和免责条款可能适用.
The MedGuard Plan is a 5-year, 可续期定期人寿保险计划,该计划规定的死亡抚恤金支付给被保险人的指定受益人. MedGuard计划还包含一项加速的危重疾病福利, 哪一家为被保险人提供加速的一次性付款, while living, the stated percentage of the death benefit, 如果被保险人被诊断为受保重大疾病或受保重大伤害或接受受保重大外科手术. 根据ACA,人寿保险计划不被视为“健康保险”. 《万博客户端官网下载》通常要求个人保持“最低基本覆盖范围”,或者在向联邦政府缴纳税款的同时支付年度共同责任. 国会在2019年及以后取消了对2019年或此后任何一年没有维持《万博客户端官网下载》“最低基本覆盖”的个人的共同责任支付.